Green Hills Software has led the embedded industry for the past thirty years with our optimizing compliers. On EEMBC benchmarks—the most widely accepted benchmarks in the embedded industry—Green Hills Compilers consistently outperform competing compilers to generate the fastest and smallest code for 32- and 64-bit processors

PRQA Plugin - Jenkins PRQA Jenkins Plug-in support Jenkins version up to 2.107.2. Features This plug-in allows source code to be analyzed with QA·C or QA·C++, PRQA’s static analysis tools. The plug-in performs the following key tasks in the post-build stage automatically: Analyzes a PRQA project – optionally including dataflow and cross module analysis. PRQA's Competitors, Revenue, Number of Employees, … The top 10 competitors in PRQA's competitive set are GrammaTech, Parasoft, LDRA, Coverity, Klocwork, EZ Source, Synopsys, AVI, Lunarline and Aras. Together they have raised over 151.1M between their estimated 16.0K employees. PRQA's revenue is the ranked 8th among it's top 10 competitors. The top 10 competitors average 339.4M.

2019-10-24 · 数据越界,Sprintf_S越界共1类subid检查 内存泄漏,分配和释放不匹配同1类subid检查 逻辑错误,重复的代码分支,bool类型和INT进行比较,表达式永远True或者false等共18类检查 可疑代码检查,if判断中含有可疑的=号,自由变量返回局部变量等共计15类检查

半導体メーカー各社は実際の幅広いアプリケーションでプロセッサの性能がどの程度かを示すEEMBC認定のベンチマークを発表しています。これらのメーカーがスコアを出す際に、他のコンパイラの2倍以上の頻度でGreen Hills Compilerを選んでいます。 Tutorials-PRQA | Trinity Technologies 2017-1-11 · This documentation discuss about how to install PRQA plug-in to Visual Studio and Eclipse and how to utilize PRQA in these environment. register & download: How to Configure PRQA Rules and User Messages. This documentation discuss about what are PRQA rules and User Messages and how would a user set them up so it can be utilized. register & download PRQA QA-C++ - SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard - Confluence


[JENKINS-48939] PRQA Plugin is affected by JEP-200 in During the code inspections for JEP-200 I have discovered that the plugin is most likely affected by this security hardening in the Jenkins core.. Plugin uses PRQAComplianceStatus in MasterToSlaveCallable operations; This class comes from an external library without a … -软件研发工具/软件生命周期管理-上海龙智数码科 … 2018-5-2 · 2018年5月2日 PRQA的静态代码分析器提高了企业开发团队的代码质量和安全性,从而可以使研发产品更快地上市 。 明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州,2018年5月2日 - Perforce软件公司(Perforce),一家为软件开发周期管理提供高效、可视化、大规模处理 Green Hills Optimizing Compilers Japanese