Yes, this happened to me as well. Sites are detecting I have ad-blocker but I don`t. I uninstalled it. It was the first adblock program on Google Web Store, then I tried UBlock. As said I want to know how to disable it, since uninstalling did not help.

AdBlock (browser extension) is one of the participants in the “Acceptable Ads” paid whitelisting program started by Adblock Plus, where some companies pay to let their ads through. This program has no Malvertising standards. (We now know another of the big companies that pays Adblock Plus to unblock its ads) Plus qu'un simple bloqueur de publicité, Adblock Plus vous permet de prendre totalement le contrôle de votre connexion Internet, de bloquer les virus et de mettre fin au pistage. Avec Adblock Plus, votre vision du Web va changer. Pour utiliser Adblock Plus, cliquez simplement sur « Ajouter à Chrome ». The AdBlock extension was created on December 8, 2009, which is the day that support for extensions was added to Google Chrome. AdBlock's efforts are not related to Adblock Plus. The developer of AdBlock, Michael Gundlach, claims to have been inspired by the Adblock Plus extension for Firefox, which is itself based on the original Adblock that ‪Utilities & tools‬ Adblock Plus is a free ad-blocking extension for all browsers that supports websites by not blocking nonintrusive ads by default (configurable). Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge is still in its early development stages and therefore has known issues and limitations. May 07, 2018 · About this extension Over 40 million users can't be wrong. AdBlock is the most popular ad blocker for Google Chrome and Safari. Now finally available for Firefox!

Safari Extensions allow Mac users to explore the web exactly the way you want. Find helpful information about a web page, display news headlines, or quickly access and share content to your favorite app and services. To get started, choose Preferences from the Safari menu, select the Extensions tab, and click the checkbox to turn on the extension.

Google Chrome, Safari, & Opera. If you have the Adblock Extension installed on your Google Chrome, Safari, or Opera browsers, you can whitelist Tubi by following the steps below: Go to Click on the Adblock extension icon on the top right corner of your browser. Click on "Don't run on pages on this domain." A message will be displayed.

AdBlock is the best ad blocker with over 60 million users, and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with over 350 million downloads! ============================== FEATURES ☆ Block pop ups,

- Updated translations. - Updated the contact information for the Hungarian and Hebrew filter lists. - Fixed text display issue on AdBlock menu - Fixed an issue with the build process to include all necessary files. - Added log messages to the AdBlock pop up menu to help determine usage of each menu item. Oct 21, 2019 · Adblock Plus is currently in beta early development stages for Microsoft Edge. This means there are some limitations and issues, but it is still a popular ad blocker. uBlock Origin. Block ads and protect your system from malicious sites with uBlock Origin, a lightweight extension to block ads in Microsoft Edge. Feb 11, 2020 · In AdBlock's options, disable EasyList and AdBlock Custom, then enable them again; Restart Chrome; As a last resort, uninstall and reinstall AdBlock If the extension continues to crash, try these basic Chrome troubleshooting steps (perform each step in order, restarting Chrome after each. Only move to the next step if the problem is still