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E-mail Archives - Logics Solutions, an Edmunds GovTech Company Instead they use personal e-mail addresses from one of the popular free e-mail services or they use their internet provider’s e-mail service. For example, rather than using an e-mail address of, these customers use or Signs of Online Fraud: 10 Telltale signs of a Fraudulent order email addresses (e.g. 555-444-3333 or asdkj321@ 9. Inconsistencies of customer information across a number of purchases. Any mismatch between billing names, entered phone number, or email addresses should be a red flag. Merchants may see the same email address used for multiple purchases but different phone numbers or

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Obtain an email address that doesn't contain your name; however, don't use a whimsical name like "" An address like "" is, at least, somewhat more professional. Work History. Your resume can be a dead giveaway if you're not careful. Therefore, carefully review your work history and redact