How to Edit the HOSTS File in Windows - Lifewire

Feb 18, 2020 How to Edit Hosts File? |VMware Communities Apr 06, 2011 The "hosts file" location in windows server/system - Add You can simply edit your local machine’s hosts file to point that doain to your test server, because the basic search for DNS is starting from the “hosts file” of local machine. In Unix based system the hosts file is located under the “/etc” [/etc/hosts] directory. In windows it is quit different. Setting Up the hosts File (Solaris Naming Setup and

Apr 06, 2011

Mar 07, 2019

Definition and Usage. The host property sets or returns the hostname and port of a URL. Note: If the port number is not specified in the URL (or if it is the scheme's default port - like 80, or 443), some browsers will not display the port number.

How to Reset Hosts File to Default on Mac and Windows PC